Saturday, September 30, 2006

Kuju Rail Simulator First Showing

Quoted from the Kuju website:

Rail Simulator took to the Rails publicly for the first time last week at the annual European Games Convention at Leipzig and announced a working partnership with Deutsche Bahn. The first playable version of the game was exhibited on the EA Games and Microsoft Games for Windows stands which attracted 180k consumers, and was presented in the Business Lounge to worldwide press!

See also the Rail Simulator website.

From reading the full article in the first link, it would appear that Microsoft has some involvement. Of course, this may just be a poorly worded news release or a poor translation. Stay tuned!

Check out the video at the second link. It reminds me of Trainz, except the landscape grid appears much finer and the moving people at the station are awesome.


Monday, September 25, 2006

Dogbone Traction in Rail3D

Sanford Mace shows it can be done in Rail3D. This is the 4th and final
installment of Dogbone Traction, which began with Trainz and continued
to BVE, MSTS, and now R3D.

See it here.



Saturday, September 09, 2006

New at the VR Reading Room 9 Sept 06

New at the VR Reading Room

-- Dogbone Traction, Part 3 (MSTS) by Sanford Mace

-- Modeling an HO Scale Railroad Using Trainz by John D'Angelo
