Well ... at least it does at Virtual Railroader, where John D'Angelo has created a virtual Lionel layout for Trainz and written about it here: "A Lionel Layout for Virtual Railroader." The layout is available free at the VR Downloads page.Cheers and many happy returns (to an earlier age),-- Al
I deleted the VR Google Group a few days ago. The reason is that a spammer joined up and posted an obscene message. I was able to ban the spammer from any further comments, but Google does not provide me with a mechanism for removing unwanted posts. I find that unacceptable. So the group is history.I may resurrect the group in Yahoo format. I may also set up a forum at my Virtual Railroader site. I have some reservations about the latter because I set up a forum for our community band website (Greenfield Military Band) and have been getting up to ten unwanted applications every day. At least I can control this, but it's unnecessary work for me. If anyone has some suggestions, I'm listening.-- Al