Monday, August 01, 2005

Sociology, Anyone?

I'm loaded down with preparing the next issue of Virtual Railroader and working on a few other projects, so I'm going to let John Bruce do the talking. Have a look at his article "The Sociology of Model Railroading" here:

This is a fascinating bit of writing, and I should say a LOT of writing rather than a BIT. If this is too much to handle at one sitting - it is for me - try copying and pasting the entire article into a WordPad document on your computer for liesurely reading in small sections.

Speaking of WordPad, I've found the perfect replacement. It's called Jarte and is available free at
I've been using Jarte steadiliy for nearly a month now for creating drafts of all my lengthy correspondence, articles, ideas, and so forth. It produces Rich Text Files - the universal word processing format - and stores them wherever you like. The nice thing is that it displays all your open RTFs in a tabbed environment in which the program interface gives the feeling of working in a notebook. That's great - all my stuff is in one place, yet it is not in a proprietary setting.



Anonymous said...

You mentioned WordPad. If you don't have Microsoft Office with Word, try downloading OPEN OFFICE. It is free, and have many of the features of MS Office.

Find it at

It includes a full-featured word processor, a spreadsheet, a draw program, a slide show app and much more.

Lazy River said...

I normally use WordPad for jotting things down, or for pasting small snippets of text, etc. I've grabbed from the 'net, or for writing articles when I don't want to be bothered by the heaviness of Word. I use Notepad for editing scripts and programs, where I need true text without the formatting imposed by word processing programs.

Jarte is especially nice because it puts everything in one place, where I can find things, and it holds open a number of files, each marked by a tab across the top of the editing window.