Monday, January 10, 2005

BVE 4.1 Final is Now Available

Good news for Boso View Express (BVE) fans. The sim's creator, Mackoy, has released the final version of BVE 4 (actually 4.1). The previous version was Beta 4. The Beta and now the final mark a major upgrade from 640 x 480 graphics to 1024 x 768. The final installs in English format without a hitch. There do appear to be some inconsistencies between Beta 4 and the new 4.1, which are causing developers to go back through their work. I'm also having sound problems, as I did with the Beta version. I optimistically think it will all get worked out and we all love BVE 4 so much that earlier versions will soon be forgotten. Well, maybe not. There are some great routes in earlier versions that may never get updated, so don't throw away your various iterations of version 2. (You can still get version 2.6, but I advise you to get it soon.) You can get both BVE versions at Macoy's web site: .

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