Sunday, January 16, 2005

Who are we?

Flight simmers? Gamers? Model railroaders? All of the above ... and none of the above. We're train simmers, whatever that means.

I think Microsoft thought we were simply another flavor of flight simmer when they created Train Simulator. They created a program that was oriented toward "mission success!" Auran began their Trainz simulator with the idea of simulating a model railroad, shifted toward the “mainstream” before launching, and now avoids use of the word "model." They did, however, provide an environment in which anyone with a modest amount of computer savvy can build routes, something that appeals to many modelers. Last year they announced their pursuit of the professional railroader.

Before Microsoft and Auran, we had Railroad Tycoon, an empire-building strategy game; Train Dispatcher, a traffic control simulation; and Boso View Express, a train driving sim.

If you look at the categories in the various train sim forums you can see that we build routes, scenery, and rolling stock (not to mention other items); operate trains and railroads; and play tycoon. In short, one size does NOT fit all.

Welcome to train simulation - or is it virtual railroading? There's a lot to like!

-- Al

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